As a kid I used to love going to the public library. I grew up in Stockton, California, and my local library was the Margaret Troke library, pictured above. I had forgotten the name of it, but a quick Google search for libraries in Stockton, CA quickly reminded me of it! My mom would take my siblings and I to the library on a regular basis and sometimes I would beg and my mom would take me and my friends there. I remember getting my library card made me feel so special! When I went there I would always go to the same section in the children's book area - Beverly Cleary books and Lloyd Alexander. In my memory of this time I always checked out a Lloyd Alexander book from The Chronicles of Prydain. We have these books in our library, and I highly encourage them if you like fantasy stories! Going to the Troke library was always a treat and is something I remember very fondly from my childhood
My school library I remember as being very small and not going there often with my classes. I went to Elkhorn Elementary School that in this most recent picture from their website (shown below) looks very similar to when I went there over 30+ years ago.
I don't remember the library there being like the libraries in schools I know today. And, as I have said before, there are so many more books out for kids today that I imagine the Elkhorn School library is much better stocked then when I was there. I recall checking out Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities many times and never reading more than a page... because that book was not written for elementary students! So, now you know why I loved the public library... they probably had more funding than the school library to buy new books for kids.
Your school libraries today in MMSD are hopefully getting your more relevant books and books you want to read and that reflect who you are as well. I'm always open for suggestions of books you want to read, so send them my way!
One student, 8th grader Devon Wells, shared his favorite library memory... it was when he scared me half to death in the library! One day when it was really quiet in the library and no one but me was in there, Devon came in without me seeing him. I was engrossed in something and focused on my computer when out of nowhere he shot up and scared the bejesus out of me! That is his favorite library memory... but not really mine, as he really scared me 😂.
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